Stone veneer wall cladding is a thin layer of stone used as decorative facing material .
Stone veneer can be made from natural stone as well as manufactured stone. Natural stone veneer is made from real stone that is either quarried or collected from fields-fieldstone. The stone is cut to a consistent thickness and weight for use as a veneer.
Manufactured stone veneer is fabricated by pouring a lightweight concrete mix into rubber forms and painted with a coloring process which makes it resemble real stone.
Flexible stone veneer is fabricated by pulling a thin layer of stone from a slab of slate, sandstone, or mica schist. It is backed by a composite material.
The stone veneer produced is then attached to walls with special mortars and cement
The application relies on a mortar or cement bonding between the substrate wall and the backside of the stone veneer. This application is generally used indoors and outdoors .
Stone cladding is applied to concrete, steel and wooden surfaces as part of their architectural design.